Monday, January 2

MIA Veterans - KIA Veterans - Disabled Veterans

I am a Vietnam Era Veteran, and would not be a Veteran at all, if it were not for the US Military Draft that officially ended in 1973...

While I did not get harmed while I was in the military, many soldiers did get wounded, resulting in death, or becoming handicapped for the rest of their lives...  

I cannot imagine what life would be like as a disabled veteran...

Throughout this holiday period, there has been several organizations asking for money to that they can help disabled veterans, as well as first responders who have been injured or killed during domestic investigations of crimes, fires, or other natural disasters.

While that is a problem, these natural disasters, why is it the problem of Americans to take care of the families of these employees?  Shouldn't that be the responsibility of the employer?

Also, if our Presidents did not stick their noses into the wars taking place in other countries, then we would not have KIAs, MIAs, disabled vets from those wars either.  They say it is to protect the US from Communism, but those other countries need to learn to take care of themselves.

For example...
We are not sending the US military over to Ukraine to fight the Russians, but we are sending military equipment.  Therefore, there will be no disabled vets from that war at all...

This is the way it should have been for Vietnam, Korea, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan and other wars that we have sent our soldiers into...   

Why do our leaders have the desire to send someone else into a war zone, rather than themselves?  Why are wealthy people given a waiver from military service?

It is easy for wealthy people to send other average Americans off to fight and die for them...  because we are fighting communism or protecting democracy and freedom...   and then not set aside the money to take care of the soldiers...  expecting the general public to make donations...

That attitude is dispicable...

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