Friday, January 13

Friday the Thirteenth

 They say that weird shit happens on Friday 13th because that is when all the Knights Templar were killed by the King of France so that he could steal all their money...  However, after they died and he took over all their possessions, he found no money...

So today is another Fridaty 13th and all we have to do is point our noses and eyes to our nation's capital and we'll see enough crazy shit to last us a lifetime.

FOX News has their camera crews down at the border in Texas, filming all the illegal immigrants coming across into this country and CNN, CBS, ABC, & NBC report nothing, so many people think there is not crisis.  WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH?

We have over 6% inflation and the Biden administration says the economy is healthy and if there is a problem then it was caused by COVID, Russia, or Trump.  WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH?

Crime and violence is running wild in almost all Democratic managed large cities and those Democratic Mayors there is no problems in their cities, in fact, crime and violence are down.  WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH?

President Biden just got caught for doing the same thing with classified documents that Trump did, and knew this before the mid term elections but only released the information this week.  WHY?

And what about all those TWITTER FILES that Musk released?  It pretty much proves the Democrats were trying to censor information.  DO YOU THINK ANYTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO THEM?

that was a rhetorical question...

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