Sunday, January 15

An Alternative Theory

Here is something to ponder about today...

Jesus said:  "My kingdom is not of this world."

what do you think he meant by that?

Not of earth perhaps...

But, if not of earth, then where?

The heavens...

This seems more reasonable but again what is considered the heavens?

I would submit to you that the heavens are OUTER SPACE or the UNIVERSE...

The Universe is frigging huge...  If we traveled at LIGHT SPEED, we would die before we went from one side to the other side of our own SOLAR SYSTEM...   

And, there are billions of solar systems in our universe...

So...  is this what Jesus meant?

We have no way of knowing exactly because we were not there and could not ask him questions as to what he meant...  TODAY...  we can only speculate...

However...  if Jesus' kingdom is not of this world (that is to say earth) then Jesus was an EXTRATERRESRTRIAL...  an ALIEN...   perhaps some kind of space traveler that ended up on earth as a result of the Virgin Mary giving birth to him...

How did that happen?

GOD had Mary impregnated with Jesus without the need of fornication or sexual intercourse.

Again...  how did that happen?

GOD must also be an Extraterrestrial...   I mean isn't the trinity:  God - Jesus - Holy Ghost

We have always consider God and Jesus to be HUMAN BEINGS...  well at least Jesus is...  since GOD is something else that we have no way of describing or understanding completely since he has never been met by anyone outside of a metaphorical meeting.

Perhaps Jesus is how GOD would look, if he had been transformed...  But then, mankind was created in GOD's image...   except this is also a metaphorical statement and could mean anything depending upon one's interpretation.

STILL...  there is a creator...  I believe that...  there is no other logical explanation for life.

But then, who created GOD?

And who created the UNIVERSE?

Are these two creators one and the same?

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