Tuesday, November 9


It is assumed by many including myself that we all know how important education is but think of this education only in terms of attending college or a university.  In fact, our high school curriculums are specifically designed with going to college in mind as opposed to pursuing another form of education like the military or the trades:  electricity, plumbing, carpentry, construction, heating and air, network engineering, etc.

Consequently, parents consider their children to be relative failures if they do not go to college...  And, this is a MISTAKE...

Many people are adverse to a career in the military because of the potential of going to war and while it seems wars have become an omnipresent aspect of our lives, there are careers in the military that do not put the individuals in a a war zone scenarios...  like the Air Force for example.

Knowledge is power...  and, that is true...  but, that knowledge does not always have to come from a college or a university...  and, it does not take a college education to become a leader of people.  Unfortunately, leaders come with age and after one pays one's dues...  whatever they might be...

The Golden Rule is the first example of what a leader understands and commands...  DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE OTHERS DO UNTO YOU...

Not a bad lesson to learn...

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