Monday, November 22

Ancient Egyptian Statue

AN ANCIENT EGYPTIAN statue pulled from beneath the bustling streets of Cairo "changed" researchers' understanding of pharaohs in what was a breakthrough find.

Archaeologists, historians and other researchers have poured over relics discovered across Egypt. The country has one of the longest spanning and well recorded histories in the world. 

William Matthew Flinders Petrie, the British archaeologist and Egyptologist, made valuable contributions to the techniques and methods of field excavation in Egypt in the late 19th century.

He invented a method that made possible the reconstruction of history from the remains of ancient cultures.

One of his biggest and most revered finds came in 1884 during the excavation of the Temple of Tanis, where he found fragments of a colossal statue of Ramses II.

Ramses was a great pharaoh, who is often regarded as the most celebrated and most powerful leader of the New Kingdom — a period that was itself the most powerful era of Ancient Egypt.

In March 2017, a team of researchers were carrying out excavations at a neighbourhood in northeast Cairo, the territory once inhabited by Ramses.  READ MORE...

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