Saturday, November 13


Beans...  beans...

the magical fruit

the more you eat

the more you fart

the more you fart

the better you feel

so eat beans...

at every meal.

Artist unknown

Today, we are driving over to the Bush Beans Restaurant in Dandridge, TN as it has finally re-opened after being shut down due to COVID...  

I am not sure what the others in our party are going to order for lunch but I know that as far as I am concerned, I will be ordering beans and cornbread...

It may seem strange to you that I am no longer interested in eating red meat that I now prefer white meat, fish, and beans...  Of course, those of you who are interested in their health understand as well as those who have had a heart attack...  and, as far as the rest of you are concerned, you will just have to find out for yourself.

I have no desire to see the family homestead, their dog DUKE, or buy anything from the General Store as a momento...   I just want to eat a bowl of beans...

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