Wednesday, November 10

Attending College

My first year in college was in 1966 after graduating from Cairo American College (high school) in Cairo, Egypt, UAR and traveling through Europe for several weeks.

During my college years, I was exposed to both LIBERAL POINTS OF VIEW as well as CONSERVATIVE POINTS OF VIEW...  and, at the time, I was the most liberal person that you could ever imagine.

My degree from college was English but I did not want to teach and my first job was Director of Product Efficacy for a microbiogical media manufacturer.  My second job was Executive Director for the Alamance County Arts Council where I decided to enroll in an MBA program so I could better manage the organization.

My views changed from LIBERAL to CONSERVATIVE as a result of my graduate education.

BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY...  my education taught me HOW TO THINK...  rather than just letting myself be influenced by my personal opinions and feelings even if those personal feelings were inappropriate.

I see myself now as a CONSERVATIVE LIBERAL...

My personality however, is different from most of the general public and I do not think that most of the general public as a result.  As a result of MBTI, my personality has been identified as INTJ...

An Architect (INTJ) is a person with the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. These thoughtful tacticians love perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything they do. Their inner world is often a private, complex one.

My personality does not make me worse or better than you...  just different...  but, I can tell you this...  and, you can accept or reject it...  but learning how to think is the best thing that you could ever do for yourself.

  • My parents should not tell me how to think
  • My church should not tell me how to think
  • My teachers should not tell  me how to think
  • My government should not tell me how to think



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