Monday, August 16

Taliban Law

As the incompetent Joe Biden sends 3,000 troops to Afghanistan to provide security for the evacuation of the American Embassy in Kabul, Americans are left wondering what will happen to the innocent women and children left to fend for themselves against an evil terror group that has no respect for women or children?

CNN, who failed to mention the disappearance of the Taliban and ISIS under President Trump’s leadership, sent a female correspondent to Afghanistan where she embedded herself with the Taliban to report back, apparently, on the Islamic terror group’s future humanitarian efforts.

CNN is so deep into pushing the radical Democrat Party agenda they don’t even see how foolish their repulsive propaganda appears to the everyday American.

In what can only be described as an either incredibly stupid or utterly naive moment, CNN’s Chief International Correspondent Clarissa Ward, who is dressed from head to toe in a black burqa and headscarf, actually asked a Taliban leader in Afghanistan about the terror group’s plans to protect women’s rights, now that they’ve re-established control of most of Afghanistan (only 9 months into the Biden regime’s takeover of the White House).

Watch the incredible moment at the 4:24 mark: “A lot of people are concerned that if the Taliban takes power again, women’s rights will move backwards. How can you guarantee that women’s rights will be protected?” CNN’s Clarissa Ward asks. READ MORE

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