Friday, August 6

Life in the Valley

Weather in the Tennessee Valley has been mild this entire week and while the weather has been mild the tiny black bugs have decided to come out and play in droves which forces most of the outside people inside.  Earlier this week, it rained and while the sun took a holiday the grass still decided to grow to the point that it needed mowing and after two weeks of not weed eating, I was backed into a corner and had to do that as well...

Crime in the Valley is damn near non-existent although I am sure that there is some kind of crime being committed, I just don't know about it.  The police are around but I hardly ever see them and when I do see them, they are trying to hide behind something so that they can catch speeders.  But, people in the Valley don't really speed, they just drive a little faster than they should.  Besides, isn't it a violation of my rights for the government to tell me how fast I should drive???  Of course, I don't expect you to agree with me.

When I was associated with ITT Technical Institute, the Chair of the Criminal Justice Program there told me that MS-13 was enrolled in CJ Classes in the hopes that they could find better ways to break the law.  He could not stop them from enrolling.  He also said that all kinds of drugs were being sold in the elementary schools all around Knoxville.  I never saw it because I had no reason to be at those schools.

SO...  I am sure that crime is going on around me, I just don't see it, and as a result think life is wonderful and great here in the Valley.  For me, I have fiber connecting my WIFI so there is plenty of bandwidth and speed to do most anything I want online.  I am paying for HULU LIVE so I have most any show I want to watch or record.  I have a ROKU device so there are a lot of movies and shows I watch for FREE...  My bill is cheaper than what I was paying for CABLE through SPECTRUM...

Life is good in the Valley with good WIFI, movies to watch, and no crime that I can see.

I also have central air and a heat pump so if it were to get either hot or cold, I would stay comfortable inside my home where the mortgage was paid off 15 years ago.

I have plenty of coffee in the mornings and plenty of unsweetened tea in the afternoons and plent of cyrstal light packages to pour into water should I desire a change.  People hate change and I hate change as well except for a few things...  like what I want to drink or what I want to eat or what I want to wear...  However, I don't like my thoughts to change although my ideas are always subject to change...  if you can convince me they should be changed.  So, my mind is open to change.

Getting old is a BITCH but the irony of life is that EVERYONE OF US is going to eventually get old, and once we get old and our bodies have changed, everyone one of us is going to die as well.  Now that's a happy thought, isn't it?  But, it's the truth.

Our present day media like CNN, CBS, ABC, and NBC don't like the truth...  or, at least they want to censor the truth, so they only tell you part of it, hoping that you will not want to know the rest.  But, while the truth will piss you off, it will also set you free.

Death sets you free as well...

AND friends, death and old age is what we all have in common regardless of the color of our skin or the absurdity of our politics.

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