Friday, August 20


The average annual cost to attend a Community College (2 years) is about $4,000 and if you took 5 classes each semester, each course would roughly cost $400 as compared to the average cost of a 4 year college being about $2,500 for each course.

A student's first two years are general education courses and most students do better at a Community College for these courses than at a traditional college.

So, now you first two years is under $10,000 plus you have acquired an Associates Degree.

PLUS...  it is much, much easier to transfer to a traditional college in your first year than in your first year where the entry requirement are substantially HIGHER.

It does not matter what your grades are or were at a Community College, when a student is transfering all grades transfer as "C's".

I have known many people to go to a community college for their first two years then transfer to an IVY LEAGUE college or university for their last two years, and receive a degree from a school that WILL OPEN DOORS for you for the rest of your life.

Additionally, instead of having college debt in the neighborhood of $200,000, it is now only around $100,000.

Your employer is not going to look at your first two years, only that you have a 4 year degree and at what school that degree was earned.

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