Thursday, August 12

Cancer Treatment Day

Despite the fact that I awoke early and cannot go back to sleep, I am usually up early on these days anyway...  so, it is only an hour early which is not that much of a lost sleep night...  and, for the last 4 days, I have had to get up early each and every one of those to go to some kind of doctor visit, treatment, or procedure.

This morning my routine is (arrivig driving the 45 minutes to the cancer center) to check in and have lab work done...  this is place where they access my port, so I make sure that I have put plenty of numbing cream on the skin covering the port...  it must stay on an hour or more.

The next step is to wait the see the Oncologist who is trypically seeing loads of patients each day and always seems to fall behind as the day progresses so I try to see him as early as possible.

Then I return to the lab waiting room to be called for my treatment after checking in again.  Within 15-20 minutes, I am taken to a chemo suite of 6 chairs.  

UT Medical Cancer Center has 10 suites on the 4th floor of the center.

For some reason, I always wait another 30 minutes or so for the OPDIVO to arrive and then my infusion lasts only 30 minutes and I am outta there.

I arrive at 7:00 am and typically leave at 10:30/11:00 and much of that time is due to waiting.

Today, I will be informed of the results of my CT scan that I had on Monday...  so, I am really interested to see if there has been any metabolic activity inside me.

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