Friday, August 20

Afternoon Thoughts

Like always, each morning since 2015, I have been watching FOX NEWS and it does not matter if I have cable or HULU...  and, each morning recently, I have been amazed at how incompetent the Biden Administration seems to be in the face of one crisis after another...  and, while it is somewhat of a shame how all this shit happened at once but it could not have happened to a better person, especially after hearing that Biden and his adminstration are blaming former President Donald Trump for everything that has been happening...  it would seem like to me that scenario has played out enough...  it is logically and statistically impossible to blame the previous administration especially since the current administration has overturned almost everything that Trump put into place...  that overturning directly takes the blame off of Trump unless you are too blinded to see the obvious.

We have the following items that are becoming to cause at least half the population to be concerned:

  1. Immigration
  2. Inflation
  3. Inappropriate spending
  4. Afghanistan
  5. Increasing crime and violence
  6. defunding the police
  7. unemployment benefits
  8. Divided Americans
  9. Critical Race Theory
  10. Increased racism
AND...  the fact remains that NONE OF THIS SHIT really has any bearing on how I enjoy my retirement...  adequate monies have been set aside for unexpected expenses like:
  • inflation
  • heat pump
  • new pool
  • new vehicle
  • new furniture
  • new appliances

AND...  once one has anticipated several unintended consequences, then one does not really care if those unintended consequences actually happen...

AND...  see what is happening in Afghanistan, there is not doubt in my mind that terrorists will regroup in that country and that terrorist attacks will begin to take place all over the world...  including the US of A believe it or not...  as terrorists can either enter the USA through Canada or they can enter through our southern border like the rest of the illegal immigrants are doing.

AND...  if a terrorist activity happens in the US of A, it will not happen in East TN...  it will happen in much larger cities and highly populated urban areas to inflict the most damage and the most lives lost.

Many people are thinking that in 2022, the Republicans will take back the House and the Senate and in 2024, Trump will be elected to a second term...  and...  what I say is that I don't give a damn anymore...  whatever is going on in the US of A, is going on because we did this shit to ourselves and while we have the ability to make choices, we have have the ability to live with the consequences of those choices.  What we have today is exactly what we wanted to have today...  WE DID THIS SHIT TO OURSELVES...

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