Wednesday, September 18



For many people in the USA, retirement is a nightmare and many of these people have made the claim that they cannot live just on Social Security and therefore must continue working.

What's wrong with that statement or claim?

  • Well, for one, maybe they also have a lot of debt that needs to be serviced each month.
  • Well, for two, maybe they did not have a plan to saving money to supplement Social Security.
  • Well, for three, maybe they are living in an area of the USA that has a high cost of living.
  • Well, for four, maybe these individuals/couples want to continue living high on the hog lifestyle.

The average SS claim is about $1,500/month.  If it is a couple that is retired and both drawing SS, then that would be $3,000/month.

My wife and I retired together in 2015 and our monthly expenses were only $3.500/month which has gone up to $4,500/month in 2024...  mainly because of the Biden-Harris administration whose policies have cause extraordinary INFLATION.

So, if you retired with SS of $3,000 and your expenses are $5,000 then you need to withdraw $2,000/month from savings...  that is to say if you put money into savings.

If you retired at 67 and you live for 20 years, that would be 87 and you would need $480,000 in savings to cover those two decades.

If you have little to no savings, then you are SOL and will need to continue working.

Also, it is going to be more expensive to live in Chicago or NYC than it is to live in Atlanta or Knoxville.

My wife and I live just as comfortably retired as we did when we were both working...  and it is because we:
  • have no debt
  • saved money
  • live simply
  • live in a low-cost area

What is also interesting her is that my wife and I have given up NOTHING to live as we do retired.

Somewhat Political

Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

Two of the key barriers to producing power from nuclear fusion have been overcome, in what scientists say is a major advance towards producing near-limitless clean energy.

A team at US energy firm General Atomics achieved a “sweet spot” for operating the next-generation power source within a donut-shaped tokamak reactor.

Nuclear fusion replicates the same natural processes found within the Sun in order to produce vast amounts of energy, however harnessing the superhot plasma within the reactor in order for it to work in a meaningful way has proved elusive.             READ MORE...

Tommy James and Joan Jett - "Crimson and Clover"

Tuesday, September 17

A Truthful Observation... Or is it?


I have some limited experience with LINKEDIN, FACEBOOK, TWITTER/X and I can tell you from that experience, it is very easy to get caught up inside the pages of social media platforms.

It is easy to respond to the idiotic posts that other people make.  Some people like what you write, others do not.  But who cares?  No one knows each other.

You don't have any idea if you are really taking to the person whose photo is posted on the profile.  Many female profiles are actually males posing as females trying to get your attention.

It is easy to get mesmerized and lost, spending an entire day, accomplishing nothing other than posting your pitiful thoughts and comments.

It is really easy to see how naive children and adults can get lured into online predators.

These social media platforms CLAIM to be in search of the truth and swear that truth is all that is being posted.  In my experience, maybe and this is a slim maybe, there is 20% truth being posted on these social media accounts.  80% of it is FALSE or misleading.

AMERICANS love it... making us gullible, stupid, and ignorant because we believe what we read and are not smart enough to research it out, to see if there is any truth to what we read.

DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS are guilty of posting misinformation and/or disinformation on a regular basis in the hopes of swaying public opinion.


Unfortunately, this is the world in which we live.

WOKE Teachers

White Dudes for Kamala


Owning Guns





Sports, Entertainment, & Culture
> "Shōgun" breaks records at 76th Primetime Emmy Awards, hosted by father-son duo Eugene and Dan Levy; "Hacks" wins best comedy (More) | See other highlights from the night (More)

> Miami Dolphins QB Tua Tagovailoa has no plans to retire after concussion in Thursday night's game against the Buffalo Bills; this was Tagovailoa's third concussion in two years (More) | Texas jumps Georgia to lead college football's AP poll for first time in 16 years (More) | How college football rankings work (More)

> "The Life of Chuck" wins top prize at 2024 Toronto International Film Festival (More) | "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" leads domestic box office again, hauling in $51.6M in its second weekend (More)

Science & Technology
> Stranded Starliner astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore give first news conference from the International Space Station; pair will return aboard a SpaceX craft in February (More) | See previous write-up (More)

> New approach helps prevent distortions in AI-generated images like extra limbs and distorted facial symmetry (More) | How does generative AI work? (More, w/video)

> Poor performance under pressure, or "choking," linked to a drop in activity from the neurons helping to prepare the body for movement (More)

Business & Markets
> US stock markets close higher Friday (S&P 500 +0.5%, Dow +0.7%, Nasdaq +0.7%) with Nasdaq closing out its best week of the year (More)

> DirecTV and Disney reach deal to end 13-day blackout that had blocked ESPN, ABC, and other Disney-owned TV networks for DirecTV's 11 million customers (More)

> Air Canada and pilots union reach tentative agreement to avoid strike this week; $1.5B deal will increase compensation by 46% over four years, with union members set to vote in the coming weeks (More)

Politics & World Affairs
> Venezuela detains six foreigners, including three US citizens, accusing them of CIA plot to assassinate Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and others; the US denies allegations (More)

> Houthi missile reaches Israel from Yemen for first time, wounding nine people in country's center, per Israeli officials (More) | See war updates (More)

> Eight migrants die in English Channel crossing from France to England; boat carried people from Eritrea, Sudan, Syria, and Iran (More) | Flooding in Central and Eastern Europe kills at least eight people after heaviest rain in decades (More)




This is the battle cry of the DEMOCRATS because they claim that the wealthy are not paying their fair share of taxes.


However, the reason why the wealthy do not pay their fair share of taxes is that they have their money SHELTERED AWAY FROM TAXES IN OFF-SHORE BANK ACCOUNTS WHERE THEIR MONEY CANNOT BE TAXED.

THEREFORE... the Democrats cannot increase taxes on the wealthy except on the small amount of money that they make available to be taxed.  Consequently, even if their taxes were raised, they would still PAY LESS than the average American...  making the comment about taxing the wealthy RATHER STUPID!!!

When taxes are raised the Middle Class is the group that typically has to bear the brunt of extra taxes.


If the Democrats want to increase the CORPORATE TAX, the can and will but the only problem there is that those increases will be passed along to the consumer in higher prices.


The Democrats need capitalism to pay for their SOCIALISTIC PROGRAMS...  which puts them right square between a rock and a hard place.

A little inflation is necessary to create economic growth...  basic economics 101...  anytime you try to rebalance the scales in favor of supply or demand, it must be done simultaneously...  I am not sure that the Democrats understand or want to understand this basic concept.

Somewhat Political


Galaxy with Impossible Light Signature

This region of space, viewed first iconically by Hubble and later by JWST, shows an animation that switches between the two. Both images still have fundamental limitations, as they were acquired from within our inner Solar System, where the presence of zodiacal light influences the noise floor of our instruments and cannot easily be removed. The extra presence of point-like red objects in JWST images, also known as “little red dots,” has finally been explained, but other puzzles still remain.

Since its launch in December of 2021, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has spotted record-setting objects all across the Universe, including at the greatest distances ever seen.

Many distant galaxies are energetic and show signatures of emission lines from specific atoms and molecules, particularly hydrogen. However, the Lyman-α line has never been seen earlier than 550 million years after the Big Bang.

Until now. With the discovery and spectroscopic follow-up on galaxy JADES-GS-z13-1-LA, we now have strong evidence for that emission line from a galaxy just 326 million years after the Big Bang. The question is: how?              READ MORE...


Monday, September 16

Assassination Attempts


My main source of news is FOX News primarily because they censor and editorialize less than the other networks, so that I am actually getting access to 95%+ of the REAL NEWS.

I was a fan of CNN and CBS but I learned back in 2016 that they only present the news that they feel their viewership NEEDS TO KNOW.  That is not news...  that is censorship...  I want to hear the news, good, bad, or indifferent and then I WILL DECIDE what I want to believe and what I don't want to believe.

Just for shits and giggles, I recently watched ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC and got the chilly feeling that the news moderators were BLAMING TRUMP for the assassination attempts on his life.  Their foundation for this belief was Trump's behaviors and words.

While that made totally good sense to them, it made me think HOW STUPID these moderators were.  For example...

  • Many people did not like Biden closing down the XL pipeline on his first day in office, but no one tried to kill him for it.
  • Many people did not like the Biden withdrawal out of Afghanistan, but no one tried to kill him for it.
  • Many people did not like Biden's open border policy even after members of their families were killed by illegals, but no one tried to kill him for it.

Are these moderators thinking that Trump's worse are worse than that?
Then we have the Kennedy assassination...
Then we have the attempted assassination on Reagan...
Did these two people bring it on themselves?

These other networks are losing viewers because all they can think about is WHAT CAN WE BLAME ON TRUMP TODAY THAT MIGHT KEEP HIM FROM WINNING IN NOVEMBER...

I don't think this is a good image for networks to have.







MAGA 1960


Don't Try to Figure This One Out