Showing posts with label Wants and Desires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wants and Desires. Show all posts

Sunday, November 22

One Thing Is Abundantly Clear...

In my mind and my mind alone, it is very clear that we really wanted and...:
  • received our independence from Great Britain
  • took away land from those we now call Native Americans
  • ended slavery even though it took a while to recover
  • ended World War I and II, Korea, and Vietnam
  • increased our National debt substantially
  • allowed wealth disparities to flourish
  • received the right to abort undesired pregnancies
  • received rights for gays, lesbians, and transgendered
BUT...  not since I can remember or cared let's say for the last 50 years or half a decade have we done anything about:
  • the sell and consumption of illegal drugs
  • improving our education system K12
  • stopped inequalities or racial injustices
  • substantially closed the gap between the wealthy and the poor or management and labor
  • removing incompetent career politicians from office
  • improved living conditions in our inner cities
  • permitting both liberal and conservative speech to flourish


In this great country of ours, if there is really something that we want to do...  the fact of the matter is that is simply gets done and those things that we don't want to change but say we do just seem to linger and linger around like this CORONA VIRUS for sure...

My faith in America and what she used to be has melted away like the POLAR ICECAPS due to global warming and the fact that business are waiting for governments to force them to do something instead of taking the initiative...

Our lives are worth nothing more than the amount of dollars we can earn...