Showing posts with label WOKE Culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WOKE Culture. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 4


HBO host Bill Maher slammed woke culture and people who were complaining about cultural appropriation at the Olympics, saying that the toxic ideology was something that belonged in Stalin’s Russia.

Top lines from Maher’s segment on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” included:

BILL MAHER, HBO HOST: And finally new rule, please don’t make the Olympics into the Oscars. Oh, what’s that? They they did already? Yeah. You know, back in April when the Oscars aired, I commented in this space that the theme of that evening was, we dare you to be entertained lest your mind waver for a few hours from thinking about the sad things and bad people in the world. Well, thank God we found some of those bad people in the Olympics now and not a moment too soon. [Audience claps] No, that was sarcasm. 

The director of the opening ceremony was fired hours before the event because they found out there was a Holocaust joke at a comedy routine he did decades ago. Well, you know, context is everything. Obviously it didn’t strike people as beyond the pale at the time, young people have to stop flattering themselves that they’re Nostradamus and would have foreseen had they’d been around then everything that’s unacceptable now, and for further context, Mel Brooks wrote one of the most successful musicals of all time around the song Springtime For Hitler.

Why do we allow the people who just want to b***h to always win? Days before that firing, the opening ceremonies musical director, musical director, was also forced out because someone dug up an interview with him from 1994 where he admitted to bullying classmates as a child. As a child. Remember when your teacher used to try and scare you by saying this is going to go on your permanent record? Yeah, no longer an empty threat now.

And the creative director of the entire shebang of the whole Olympics got s**t canned because he once made a fat joke in a private conversation. This is called a purge. It’s a mentality that belongs in Stalin’s Russia. How bad does this atmosphere we are living in have to get before the people who say, ‘cancel culture is overblown,’ admit that is, in fact, an insanity that is swallowing up the world.  READ MORE