Showing posts with label Valule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valule. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9

Happy Meals

As a frazzled working mom who spends many afternoon and evening hours each week at the soccer field or my kids' martial arts studio, I've come to rely on fast food quite a bit during those times when eating dinner at home just isn't feasible. 

And whenever we go to McDonald's, it never fails -- my children inevitably ask for a Happy Meal.

Usually I'll oblige, even though I can, in some cases, get away with a lower credit card tab by ordering items off of the McDonald's menu individually. 

But for a few extra dollars, I'm usually happy to indulge my kids in a Happy Meal and the bonus toy that comes with it.

But now, it's not just kids who can enjoy a McDonald's Happy Meal. The fast food giant recently introduced an adult version of the Happy Meal, and it's comparable to the kids' version in that it does, in fact, come with a toy.  READ MORE...