Showing posts with label Tiangong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tiangong. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16

First Fully Electric Robot

The humanoid robot domain has seen intense activity in recent times with multiple startups vying to get their prototypes into the market.

Now, a state-backed robotics innovation center in Beijing has launched its first electric humanoid “Tiangong”.

The robot was revealed at the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area on May 4, which coincided with the announcement of numerous AI technological advancements at the 2024 Zhongguancun Forum (ZGC Forum).

Tiangong, crafted by the Beijing Humanoid Robot Innovation Center Company, the general-purpose humanoid boasts the capability to sustain a consistent pace of 3.73 miles per hour (6 kilometers per hour).   READ MORE...

Friday, November 4

China's New Space Station

China launched a 23-tonne research lab module to its newly built space station Tiangong on Sunday 24 July. The lab Wentian, or "Quest for the Heavens", is expected to carry out biological and life science research.

This is China's latest step to become a leading space power.

What is the Tiangong space station?
Tiangong space station, or "Heavenly Palace", is China's new permanent space station. 

The country has previously launched two temporary trial space stations, named as Tiangong-1 and Tiangong-2.

The new lab Wentian is the second of three key modules to Tiangong

The first key module Tianhe - which contains living quarters for crew members - was sent into orbit in April 2021. 

The other key module, Mengtian science lab, is due to be launched by the end of 2022.  READ MORE...