Showing posts with label The Ambassadors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Ambassadors. Show all posts

Sunday, October 17

Optical Illusion

We're big fans of mind-bending optical illusions in art. But while it's entertaining having your brain scrambled, they're usually just a bit of fun.

Here's a 16th-century optical illusion, though, that goes beyond just being a clever trick, and offers a more profound reflection on life.

The illusion appears in 'The Ambassadors' (shown above), painted by Hans Holbein the Younger in 1533, which memorialises Jean de Dinteville, French ambassador to England, and his friend, Georges de Selve.

Most people won't spot it when viewing the painting face on, and the illusion only properly reveals itself when you view the painting from the right. Watch the video below and you'll see exactly what we mean.

As the video shows, there's an anamophic skull lurking in the foreground, which only fully reveals itself when you're in the correct position. It's quite a clever trick, and a real 'wow' moment when you spot it. But the artist didn't just put this in to show off. 

There's a deeper story to tell here.