Showing posts with label Temperature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Temperature. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 29

Nasty Weather

I knew there was a reason why I HATE/DETEST winter and that is the COLD WEATHER returns...  and, while it may have only dropped 20 degrees, it is still friggin' cold to me.  This type of cold does not hit our part of the country until November and/December and typically it arrives after a gradual cool down of several weeks...  not over night as it has done today...

It is not my older body that dislikes the cold because I have not like the cold ever since I spent my high school years in Cairo, Egypt where the coldest temperatures are usually 10 degrees above what the temps are here today.  Ten degrees may not seem like much but it can easily be felt by me...  and, it reminds me of a scenario I used  when teaching variation associated with Statistical Process Control that went something like this...

When looking at and explaining variation it may not be easy to grasp without using some sort of visual model and in this case, I will be using temperature.  Now, let's suppose that the ideal temperature in a classroom according to the experts is 68 degrees.  If that temperature went up to 69 degrees or down to 67 degrees, it is doubtful that any of you would notice a 1 degree change in temperature...  but, if that temperature increased to 78 degrees or decreased to 58 degrees, I am confident that each and every one of you would not only notice but feel that drastic temperature change at some point-in-time if not immediately.

And just like the change in FONT SIZE, when using visuals it is easy to notice and/or detect VARIATION.