Showing posts with label Taycan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taycan. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 9

Just a Few More Thoughts

What I don't understand is why we want to spend money buying petroleum crude oil from other countries when we can provide all the oil and gasoline that we need right here at home...

Now...  while I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer...  I am smart enough to realize that this is plain stupid and the people who this hurts the most are the general public who basically live from one paycheck to another...

I also understand that 50% of the American population has the relentless desire to go GREEN and while that is a noble quest, it would seem more reasonable to me to go GREEN gradually rather than all at once.

  • I think smoking should stop all at once
  • I think wars should stop all at once
  • I think child abuse should stop all at once
  • I think racism should stop all at once

But, I think our energy consumption should stop gradually...  but it should stop.

And, I am all for going green and buying an electric car to stop my dependence on fossil fuels.  

An electric car has a price tag of anywhere from $60,000 to $80,000 and higher...  the distance that an electric car can travel on a charge averages around 400 miles...  but, the recharging time is HIGH...

From Kelly Blue Book
Use these approximate calculations based on a 240V Level 2 power source and charging capacity, according to the manufacturers’ websites for the following 2021 cars:
  • Chevrolet Volt EV: 10 hours
  • Nissan Leaf: Up to 11 hours
  • Tesla Model S: 12 hours
  • Karma GS-6: 4 hours
  • Tesla Model 3: 12 hours
  • Porsche Taycan: Up to 10.5 hours
  • Mini SE Hardtop: 4 hours
  • Audi E-Tron: 10 hours
  • Polestar 2: 8 hours
  • BMW i3: 7 hours

Personally, I think I would be rather pissed off if I had to wait 4-12 hours for my car to charge while I was on vacation unless I was at a motel sleeping at night while the car was charging.  However, my wife and I like to go to Myrtle Beach, SC, and the last time we were down there (2021) the motels did not offer charging stations on their property.

So, an electric car with a driving range of 300-400 miles would be good to drive around the area where you live, so that you can charge it at night while you are doing things around the house...  but, then there is the cost of that vehicle...

I just cannot imagine how the general public is going to respond to being forced to go ELECTRIC...  especially when the power company cannot sustain the increased energy drain on their capabilities...