Showing posts with label Tax Havens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tax Havens. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 9

What Are The Wealthy Doing For Americans?

The wealthy have put their money into politics so that the Black Lives Matter movement will STOP white police from killing blacks and so that BLACKS will have a better life...

the wealthy will rebut that statement saying they do much, much more, like:
funding african american cultural centers
urban hospitals and medical research
investing in companies that hire people
investing in technologies that save people

in the reality of today's American GREED, most of the money belonging to the wealthy is sheltered away from the government's taxes in offshore tax havens and tax shelters...   and, the money that they give is not just because they are altruistic but because they are giving just enough charitable contributions to offset the taxes that they are supposed to pay...  but, you are too busy living paycheck-to-paycheck to notice what they are doing.

How are the wealthy helping our Veterans?
How are the wealthy helping our Disabled Veterans?
How are the wealthy helping Americans living in Poverty?
How are the wealthy helping Americans on Social Security?

It would appear, at least to me, that the WEALTHY are being proactive rather than reactive and once you are in one of those categories, the wealthy have no interest in you other than what they have to...  that is to say...  how the Federal Government wants to spend their tax dollars.

The wealthy give you just enough to keep your head above the water line but after that you are on your own and they don't give a damn if you are not strong enough to keep treading water, they have done their part and now their conscience is clear.