Showing posts with label Swarthmore College. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swarthmore College. Show all posts

Friday, October 14

The Democratic Party's Privilege Problem

If you ever get the feeling that Democratic campaign staffers are a lot whiter and better-credentialed than the party’s voters, you’re right. And Swarthmore College sociologist Daniel Laurison now has data to back it up.

According to Laurison’s database of more than 4,500 Republican and Democratic staffers who worked on presidential primary and general election campaigns from 2004 to 2020, 68% of Democratic staffers are white, compared to 60% of Democratic voters.

The differences become even more stark when we turn to education. Over 90% of Democratic staffers have college degrees, compared to two-thirds of U.S. adults who have graduated college. And 40% of Democratic staffers went to elite schools, such as those in the Ivy League, compared to just 4% of the overall population.  READ MORE...