Showing posts with label Sugar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sugar. Show all posts

Monday, September 20

Sugar Detective

No matter how well you eat, I can almost guarantee that sneaky sugar is making its way into your diet. But don't worry! Even the most health-conscious among us struggle to know everywhere sugar is hiding and how to be aware of it.

It also doesn't help that food manufacturers continue to spend major dollars convincing us that certain less nutritious foods are somehow good for us, slapping shiny health halos on their packaging to throw us off the trail. But you've got this—just keep this info in your back pocket the next time you head to the grocery store.

Learn to be a sugar detective

Knowing what to look for—on food labels, in the coffee shop line, and on the menu at your favorite local bistro—will go a long way toward helping you ditch sneaky sugars from your diet.

Of course, it's not always so simple. Many "healthy" yogurts you'll find at the store are loaded with about 15 grams or more of sugar—that's the same as swallowing 3 or 4 teaspoons of the sweet stuff. Likewise, countless "protein bars" are just glorified candy bars with some extra nutrients thrown in, plus a few other insidious ingredients that can mess with your gut.

The most important thing to remember as you try to decrease your sugar intake is that you're not powerless against its forces. When you lower your sensitivity to sugar, you can support metabolic balance and flexibilityREAD MORE