AS OF 1:20 PM ON THE THIRTIETH DAY OF OUR LORD TWENTY TWENTY... I took down, repackaged, and returned to storage all our outside Christmas Decoration... and I say Christmas because this Holiday Season is more than just a holiday season in which we exchange gifts without a birthday celebration associated with that exchange of gifts... it is a birthday celebration for one person in particular and that is Jesus of Nazareth.
AND WHILE IT DOES NOT REALLY MATTER IF I AM FOREGIVEN OR NOT, I choose not to attend man's churches that were built as tributes to themselves but worship in my own way, in my own style, and in my own private communications with the one who created it all.
I simply do not believe in the BIG BANG THEORY or in the THEORY OF EVOLUTION (at least for mankind) as the human body is just so friggin complicated that it had to have been designed rather than simply evolving. Now, that does not rule out Extraterrestrials manipulating our DNA and they might even be our creators... but, with that idea needing some pondering... who CREATED THEM so that they could create us?The BIG BANG just does not do a very good job of answering that question. Plus, where in the hell did all the ingredients come from that were inside the big bang to begin with? So... guess what? Scientists are now trying to prove that something can really come from nothing because that nothing in the first place was not nothing at all, it was in fact... something... we just called it nothing for lack of a better word.
How far up their asses are the heads of these scientists anyway?