Showing posts with label Seeds of Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seeds of Life. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21

Wrap Your Head Around This One

According to what THE BIBLE teaches, our universe is only 6,000 years old and anyone with a high school education and half a brain knows that LOGICALLY those number of years is simply not accurate and is illogical to assume it represents the truth or our reality.

So, what's going on here?

Did THE BIBLE not take into consideration that mankind would educate itself?

Something is amiss...  so, we must look at THE BIBLE in a different light.  One that is not totally understandable in the stories that are being presented...  that is to say that 6,000 years is probably a correct number if we look at those years as GOD YEARS and not EARTH YEARS.

Every God Year might represent 1,000 or 10,000, or 100,000 Earth Years...  and if, we look at it in that light and with that understanding, it makes better sense.

Why was THE BIBLE written like that?

Don't know other than it was interpreted into English and maybe something got lost or misplaced in the translation.

So, now that this is out of the way, we can look at the FACT that JESUS was an ALIEN or an EXTRATERRESTRIAL by looking at the following phrases and concepts:

  • My Kingdom is not of this world...
  • In my Father's House there are many rooms...
  • Jesus took on spiritual form after his death...
So, now we are looking at MULTIPLE DIMENSIONS possibly or at the very least an incredibly large universe.

But, that does not explain how the universe came about.
  • Scientists say BIG BANG
  • Religion says CREATION

Who is right?

Well, perhaps both are right...

Let me explain:

According to Einstein and later proved, the fabric of our universe or space-time is curved.  And, this is important because as our universe continues to expand, it is theoretically possible for our universe to extend out so far in a curved fashion that it actually curves around and back into its own creation.

This concept is called SINGULARITY.

Therefore...  if singularity is accurate, then it is logically possible that as our universe expands and curves that it actually shrinks and condenses down like going through a funnel backwards and in so doing becomes the condensed matter that is needed for the BIG BANG.  And, the fact that our universe does that is orchestrated by EXTRATERRESTRIALS who have used the BIG BANG to start CREATION  both figuratively and literally.

As the Universe expands from the BIG BANG, it begins to create after a matter of time, SOLAR SYSTEMS and as each SOLAR SYSTEM is created, earth like planets form automatically and the SEEDS OF LIFE are planted in a sequential fashion which could represent the 6 days of CREATION and resting on the 7th day.

Assuming that this is true, we have literally MILLIONS of earth like planets in MILLIONS of solar systems...  so, why have we not come into contact with each other?

Interesting question...

So, here is a plausible answer:

If we look at our own earth, there have been FIVE MAJOR EXTINCTIONS take place since its creation...  and, our current existence is headed towards a SIXTH EXTINCTION.  If these SOLAR SYSTEMS are similar, then there is a high probability that these other earth like planets in other SOLAR SYSTEMS also experienced EXTINCTIONS which have, like us, prevented space travel and the realization that other life exists in the Universe.

AND...  that makes sense but we also know that ALIENS have visited earth and given us our various religions and philosophies and have probably altered our DNA that allowed some human beings like Leonardo da Vinci the mental ability to be ahead of his time...  Einstein would be another example.

SO...  what is the probability that in one or more Solar Systems, earth like planets DID NOT EXPERIENCE these extinctions and were allowed to develop over the millions and millions and millions of years that our Universe has been in existence?

I would say those odds are pretty high.