Showing posts with label Reparations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reparations. Show all posts

Monday, May 8


The government of the United States, my government, our government, has treated groups of people horribly throughout the years.  

For instance:

  • Native Americans
  • Slavery of Blacks
  • Japanese Americans
  • Chinese Americans
Because of what we did to our Native Americans, we gave them the opportunity to build casinos and recoup their loses (financially)...  while it was a poor subsitute for all the death we caused...  MONEY does seem to make those that we oppressed FEEL BETTER ABOUT THEMSELVES.

I would like to propose the same for BLACKS...  let them have casinos.  I would even support our tax dollars building those casinos.  But, to give them reparations for what our ANCESTORS did is WRONG...  I am not responsible for what my ancestors did...  and, to give them reparations would only cause our RACISM PROBLEM TO WORSEN...

Blacks are now randomly shooting whites because they are white...

What happens if whites start to randomly shoot blacks in retaliation???

12% blacks
60% whites

Since there are more whites than blacks, everything will favor whites unless we intentionally force everyone to deal with blacks before they deal with whites.
For instance:
  1. Hire blacks before whites regardless of qualifications
  2. Restaurants serving blacks before whites
  3. Hospitals treating blacks before whites regardless of triage
  4. Educators giving blacks better grades than whites even though their scores are lower
  5. The military deploying whites before blacks if they are to be sent into a war zone
  6. Prosecuting more whites than blacks to equalize the racial balance in jails
  7. Selling homes to blacks before whites
  8. The IRS taxing whites at a higher rate than whites
  9. Restricting earnings potential of white millionaires
  10. Allowing blacks to sell illegal drugs to whites but not vice versa
  11. Limiting the number of white professional athletes to always favor blacks
  12. Hollywood hiring more black actors than whites
  13. More black movies produced than white movies
  14. Hiring more black educators than white educators
  15. Only allowing black candidates to run for political office
  16. Selling tickets blacks on commercial aircraft before whites, making sure the ratio favors blacks
  17. Forcing cruise ships to fill cabins with blacks first and make sure the onboard ratio favors blacks
  18. Having social security to pay higher benefits to blacks than to whites regardless of quarters worked

NOW...  if we do this, then we should assume that they WHITES will not retaliate somehow...


Thursday, January 19

IN LIEU of Reparations

As a Caucasian male, I did not participate in slavery and I do not know if any of my relatives did, but if they were involved, it is not my frigging responsibility, it is theirs and why should I feel guilty because of something they did?  Logically, makes no sense.

If my father was a seriel killer, should I be held accountable for his crimes?  NO...  I should not!!!

However, I sympathize and empathize with the descendants of slaves and I would like to propose that our US Government, give these descendants of slaves, LAND...  just like we gave the Native Americans for the damage we did to their relatives.  I would also suggest that we allow these descendants to build, own, and operate casinos, just like the Native Americans, and use the profits as reparations to be distributed as these descendants decree...

The other opportunity that I would like to suggest is to let these slavery descendants SELL ILLEGAL DRUGS LEGALLY and use those profits to be distributed on the basis of equity.  However, I would stipulate that sense these drugs are illegal at the present time, that the US Government be allowed to regulate and oversee their manufacture to minimize the harm to other Americans.

These are unusual times and as such, they require unusual solutions...