Showing posts with label Quantum Entanglement Quantum Teleportation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quantum Entanglement Quantum Teleportation. Show all posts

Sunday, August 18

Teleporting LIGHT

Teleportation has always been one of the activities that has only been reserved for the futuristic stories in movies. However, this unbelievable idea has recently become possible with the discovery of quantum physics. Researchers at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) in Barcelona have achieved a groundbreaking feat: the prospect of sending photons carrying information from one place to another material-state qubit.

This unprecedented accomplishment demonstrates the ability to share information in real time and opens the door for future quantum networks and new horizons of communication and computing. Although this process was described as going faster than the speed of light, which is only a metaphor, the real breakthrough is the ability to teleport quantum states and the advantages that come with it.

The fundamental elements of quantum entanglement and information transfer
The dependency of Quantum Teleportation is based on quantum strongest matches– one of the advances of quantum mechanics. Every time, two of these particles are brought close together. These two are entangled as two partners in one couple, and anything that happens to the first of these two will at once affect the second of them, however far apart the two may be.