Showing posts with label Private & Personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Private & Personal. Show all posts

Friday, June 21

What You Should Keep Private

Discussing our problems with others is an undeniably effective way to relieve our stress and anxiety.  But at the same time, it’s crucial that we maintain our personal boundaries to protect our well-being and mental peace.

Because the truth is, not everything needs to be shared – there are some aspects of our lives that are better off kept private.And when we overshare, we put ourselves at risk of feeling vulnerable and exposed.
In this article, we have compiled a list of 9 things that you should always keep private, as suggested by psychology.  This guide aims to help you navigate what to share and what not to share, promoting healthier interactions and safeguarding your well-being.

1) Personal goals and aspirations
Personal goals and aspirations are the driving force behind our actions. They’re what keep us motivated, focused, and determined.  However, according to research, this is something you might want to keep private.

One reason for this is, when we share our ambitions with others, it can create unnecessary pressure and expectations.  This may lead to self-doubt or cause us to question our capabilities if we don’t meet those expectations.

Moreover, not everyone will understand or support your dreams. There’s a risk of them being belittled or dismissed, which can affect your confidence and enthusiasm.  It’s also worth noting that when you keep your aspirations private, it allows for flexibility and changes without judgment or scrutiny.  After all, it’s your journey and you have every right to alter the course as you see fit.     READ MORE...