Showing posts with label Pete Nelson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pete Nelson. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28


As a boy growing up just outside of Alexandria, VA, our community was in between two large wooded areas that my lads and I played around in ALL YEAR LONG.  We dug out underground caves...  large enough for 4 people and built a 3-story tree house that started 20 feet about the ground.  We had found 3 trees close enough together to build our tree house and used scrap wood from a home construction site.  Once completed, our tree house was large enough for 4 people on the first floor, 3 people on the second floor, and only 2 people on the top floor.  We secured it with rope and nails that we got from home.

Once both the cave and the tree house were completed, they became our club house...  our club, at the most, was comprised of 6...   and, there was no real leader...  we just sorta made decisions together, simply agreeing with whatever suggestion was offered.

TREEHOUSE MASTERS is a show on cable staring Pete Nelson and his crew who travel the USA building treehouses for people for a variety of reasons.  On average, the client pays Pete $275,000 for one of his custom built treehouses, but it can go as high as $400,000-$500,000.  So, these houses are far from the ones that my lads and I built in the 1950's.

It would appear, based upon the photos below that many people are interested in tree houses outside of the treehouses built by Pete Nelson....