Showing posts with label Our Expanding Universe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Expanding Universe. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 17

It's All Relative... I Suppose...




Relativity -  The absence of standards of absolute and universal application...  and from the area of physics, the dependence of various physical phenomena on relative motion of the observer and the observed objects, especially regarding the nature and behavior of light, space, time, and gravity...

Well...  there you have it...
Everything in this lifetime is relative...
  • Politics
  • Wars
  • Crime
  • Ownership
  • Thoughts and Feelings
  • Understandings
  • Knowledge
  • Application

But, in all of this wisdom lies a tiny misconception in that it is not logical at all relative to our planet earth and that is the purpose of the universe...  its size...  and the relative fact that it is expanding and into what we know not but can only speculate since our knowledge is limited and only relative at best.

For EXAMPLE...  there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand here on EARTH...  and while that statement seems very profound indeed, it still does not explain why our UNIVERSE NEEDS TO BE SOOOO  BIG...

Relatively speaking things are out of proportion when it comes to planet earth and the universe or our solar system and the universe or even our Milky Way Galaxy and the universe when it comes to any kind of comparison.

And...  well into the future of the existence of our universe, I suppose there will be space travel as well as time travel and beings can move back and forth at their leisure and for whatever relative reasons and purposes that they might have...  but it still does not explain what this damn universe has to be so big, relatively speaking that is to say or ask.