Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26

Just An Opinion

Since I am not an expert in any field other than being retired, I am in a perfectly good position to offer an opinion about the current situation in the US of A and for that matter around the world as we begin to  come to terms with this PANDEMIC that CHINA released on the rest of the world because of unsafe practices in one of their research labs...  even though they do not want to admit it.  Interestingly, what the rest of the world should understand is the simply fact that any country that does not have the FREEDOMS that one finds in the US of A is going to keep SHIT from its citizens because they do not want their citizens to know what it is that they are doing...  HOWEVER and with that said, the US of A still does a pretty good job of hiding shit from its citizens anyway, especially if our government perceives that the citizens will have an adverse reaction.

BUT, this is not what I wanted to write about today or this morning or whenever...

I have this strange feeling brought about by recent events that AMERICANS will be back to NORMAL or back to a NEW NORMAL no later than JULY of this year even though it will take much longer for everyone to be re-employed as companies will move slowly and cautiously...

States will reopen
Cities will reopen
Counties will reopen
Companies will reopen
Schools will reopen

THEN...   in the FALL...   ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE... when the Pandemic re-inserts its fangs into our economy again because,

AMERICANS stopped taking precautions!!!
Americans don't think they are going to have a heart attack until they do...
Americans don't think they are going to contract cancer until they do...
Americans don't think they are going to have a serious car accident until they do...

Americans act like they cannot be touched...
Americans eat whatever they want to
Americans drive as fast as they want to
Americans drink as much as they want to
Americans don't like preventive medicines

It does not take a BRAIN SURGEON to see that Americans are headed for one disaster after another...  and, will never appreciate what they have, until it is gone or has been taken away from them...  then and only then will they BITCH LIKE A STUCK PIG...