Showing posts with label OpEd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OpEd. Show all posts

Thursday, May 27

Am I What I Am or Not?

The French philosopher Descartes once said,  "I THINK THEREFORE I AM." and the world decided that this was proof enough to explain and justify mankind's existence.  However, some later explained that Descartes comments continued with the words that he believes this thinking is always done in the capacity of doubt...  therefore, one could say that proof of existence is in doubt as well...  and we are back to the proverbial first square.

Why do we even care about our own existence in the first place which to me is the first square?

We live...

We die...

and in between the two we accomplish stuff or we do not...  it is just as simple as that.

But, there are those of us who still want to know what we really do not need to know...  and, the concept of philosophy was created...  with each global culture having their own unique and different sets of philosophical beliefs.

There are four major branches of philosophy:
  • Metaphysics
  • Epistemology
  • Axiology
  • Logic

But, only three schools of thought:
  • Classic
  • Religious 
  • Modern

Currently, the major educational philosophies are:
  1. Existentialism
  2. Essentialism
  3. Perennialism
  4. Progressivism
  5. Social Reconstruction
  6. Behaviorism
  7. Constructivism
  8. Conservatism
  9. Humanism
So...  where does this actually take us to an understanding of our own existence and the proof that we even exist at all?

Sadly...  it does not take us anywhere other than to explain why we may or may not do what we do...  which revolves around purpose.

Birth is not proof of existence
Life is not proof of existence
Death is not proof of existence

Yet...  we are here nonetheless...  and, for a certain amount of years continue to life until that life is taken away from us by some explained or unexplained methodology...

HOWEVER, no one can explain why we were given life and actually experienced birth in the first place, other than the male sperm fertilizing a female egg.

But, why me?
and not someone else?
and why am I who I am and not another?
and, am I real or a figment of one's imagination?
or, am I simply a computer program operating in a galactic computer system?
and, why are there UFO's?
and, why is there evidence of alien extraterrestrials?
and, why is it recorded that Jesus declared his kingdom to be not of this world?
and, why do I possess a consciousness?
and, is there a cosmic consciousness?