Showing posts with label National Defence Authorization Act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Defence Authorization Act. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3

Women to Register for Draft

The Senate Armed Services Committee included language in its version of the fiscal 2022 National Defense Authorization Act to require women, for the first time, to register for the draft.

Congress has debated for several years whether to require women to sign up with the Selective Service, as men must do between the ages of 18 and 25. No American has been drafted in nearly a half century, but the Selective Service provides the government with information that could be used if a new draft were to occur in a time of national emergency.

Six years of debate
Congress’ previous efforts to require women to register for the draft have fallen short despite widespread bipartisan support for the move.

The debate over registering women picked up steam in 2015, when women were permitted to perform so-called combat roles in the U.S. armed services.

In 2016, both the House and Senate Armed Services panels approved the change, but it did not make it into the final fiscal 2017 bill.

In the House that year, Republicans effectively stripped the provision out of the defense authorization measure on the floor without a vote, when the Rules Committee adopted a so-called self-executing rule that turned the required registration into a mandate for a study of the issue.

Last year, a National Commission on Military, National and Public Service, which was created by Congress, recommended that women register.

Politico reported earlier this week that Rhode Island Democrat Jack Reed, the Senate Armed Services Committee chairman, would push to include the provision requiring women to register for the draft in this year's bill.

House push
On the Selective Service website, one of the "frequently asked questions" is: "Why aren't women required to register?"

The response is: "The Military Selective Service Act, as it is written, only authorizes the registration of 'male persons.' In order for the Selective Service to be authorized to register women, Congress would have to pass legislation amending the current law."  TO READ MORE ABOUT THIS, CLICK HERE...