Showing posts with label Munich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Munich. Show all posts

Monday, November 28

Filling Up On Beer in Munich, Germany

With nearly 1,000 years of brewing tradition in Bavaria, the brewers in and around Munich have fine-tuned their craft and growing a global reputation. In fact, 6 million people come from 40 countries around the world just to attend Oktoberfest. Alongside Munich’s major breweries and despite Germany’s strict purity laws, craft breweries are starting to emerge in Munich, bringing fresh flavors to the beer scene here in Munich. 

We’ll begin by exploring some of the history, culture, and traditions of Bavaria’s relationship with beer, including some facts and prices. Then I’ll profile the six biggest breweries in Munich – known as the “The Big 6”, help you plan the best brewery tours, day trips, and beer-related activities, and finally uncover emerging craft beers.

A Brief History of Beer in Munich
The Munich area is home to the world’s oldest brewery still in action, dating back to 700 AD. So, it is safe to say that Munich’s beer history is long and embedded in their culture. But, to make a long story short-ish, most breweries in Munich have religious roots. 

Monks living in monasteries were the first brew masters. Churches would use beer as incentives to encourage people to attend church, with many German receiving free beer on Sunday and other religious events. Religious roots still exist today, and Starbierfest is an event during lent to drink strong Doppel beer during the fasting period.

It wasn’t long before the royalty got involved in the profitable beer industry, and beer was soon taxed to provide income for the royal families and government. Production quickly spread to prominent families that owned restaurants, and the brewing industry boomed.

The Purity Law
Along with it, many laws and regulations began to govern brewing. In 1516 a law was passed that beer must be made with only barley, hops, water (yeast was later added), or it could not be called beer. This law still exists today here in Germany. If any additional ingredients are used in the brewing process, such as orange, sugar, or chocolate, it can not legally be called beer. 

If you’re thinking about some of those German craft beers you’ve tried and are confused, brewers can use the official name for the brew, such as IPA, Stout, etc., but it can’t be called beer.This ensures the highest quality of beer is being produced in Munich.  READ MORE...

Thursday, December 9

A Conscious Universe

(Image credit: NASA/Shutterstock)

As humans, we know we are conscious because we experience and feel things. Yet scientists and great thinkers are unable to explain what consciousness is and they are equally baffled about where it comes from.

"Consciousness — or better, conscious experience — is obviously a part of reality," said Johannes Kleiner, a mathematician and theoretical physicist at the Munich Center For Mathematical Philosophy, Germany. "We're all having it but without understanding how it relates to the known physics, our understanding of the universe is incomplete."

With that in mind, Kleiner is hoping math will enable him to precisely define consciousness. Working with colleague Sean Tull, a mathematician at the University of Oxford, U.K., the pair are being driven, to some degree, by a philosophical point of view called panpsychism.

This claims consciousness is inherent in even the tiniest pieces of matter — an idea that suggests the fundamental building blocks of reality have conscious experience. Crucially, it implies consciousness could be found throughout the universe.  READ MORE...

Sunday, October 24


The injected green algae (green) sit inside the blood vessels (magenta) like a string of pearls. Credit: Özugur et al./iScience

Photosynthesizing algae injected into the blood vessels of tadpoles supply oxygen to their brains.

Leading a double life in water and on land, frogs have many breathing techniques – through the gills, lungs, and skin – over the course of their lifetime. Now German scientists have developed another method that allows tadpoles to “breathe” by introducing algae into their bloodstream to supply oxygen. The method developed, presented October 13 in the journal iScience, provided enough oxygen to effectively rescue neurons in the brains of oxygen-deprived tadpoles.

“The algae actually produced so much oxygen that they could bring the nerve cells back to life, if you will,” says senior author Hans Straka of Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. “For many people, it sounds like science fiction, but after all, it’s just the right combination of biological schemes and biological principles.”

Straka was studying oxygen consumption in tadpole brains of African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) when a lunch conversation with a botanist sparked an idea to combine plant physiology with neuroscience: harnessing the power of photosynthesis to supply nerve cells with oxygen. The idea didn’t seem far-fetched. In nature, algae live harmoniously in sponges, corals, and anemones, providing them with oxygen and even nutrients. Why not in vertebrates like frogs?  READ MORE...