Showing posts with label Multi-Lepton Anomalies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multi-Lepton Anomalies. Show all posts

Friday, August 30

Existence of New Bosons

Professors Andreas Crivellin of the University of Zurich and Bruce Mellado of the University of the Witwatersrand and iThemba LABS in South Africa have documented deviations in the way particles interact. These deviations are inconsistent in comparison to the way they are expected to break up, and point to the existence of new bosons.

Among these deviations are the multi-lepton anomalies.

"From the multi-lepton anomalies one can predict the existence of a new Higgs-like boson, somewhat heavier than the one discovered in 2012. This one would be produced because of the decay of an even heavier boson," says Mellado. Their observations were published in Nature Reviews Physics.

Researchers in the field of particle physics study the make-up of fundamental particles such as protons and neutrons and leptons, to establish what matter the universe is made of, and how forces work in nature.        READ MORE...