Showing posts with label Mars Mission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars Mission. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 21

Time for Nuclear

Illustration of a human Mars mission concept enabled by nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP). An NTP-powered high performance fission reactor system will significantly reduce the travel time and radiation exposure of astronauts going to and from the Red Planet. Credit: NASA

America’s Urgent Need to Develop Space Nuclear Propulsion Systems
As NASA finally launches the first Space Launch System (SLS) mission, America is failing to invest in critical space propulsion technology needed to send astronauts to Mars.

The United States must develop space nuclear propulsion technologies to enable 21st-century human missions to Mars. Congress should immediately direct NASA and the Department of Energy to partner with a University Affiliated Research Center or Federally Funded Research and Development Center to create a new National Space Nuclear Propulsion Laboratory.

It is naive and against national interests for the U.S. to rely on expensive, outdated, slow, single-use chemically propelled rockets like SLS to transport astronauts to Mars. Instead, America must aggressively invest in developing space nuclear propulsion systems.

Nuclear technology, including nuclear electric propulsion (or “NEP”) and nuclear thermal propulsion (or “NTP”), will be a space travel game-changer with profound implications for deep space mission speed, agility and capability.

The increased propulsive power of nuclear systems will allow humans to head to Mars on a more regular cadence than the current mission launch windows of “every 26 months.” Nuclear propulsion also will allow power for astronauts on Mars missions to abort and return to Earth in the event of an emergency.  READ MORE...