Showing posts with label Magnetic Levitation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magnetic Levitation. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14

Magnetic Levitation for Cars

Nowadays, cars use batteries and motors to move, however, this way of movement is very inefficient because overcoming friction and gravity takes most of the energy. But Japan presents a very innovative solution which is magnetic levitation and will be the (supposed) end of hydrogen engines.

Will the use of magnetic levitation do away with the need for batteries and motors?
A group of Japanese researchers attached to the Quantum Machine Unit of the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) report having created a track that provides magnetic levitation, which does not need external maintenance power.

By the latter, we mean that it does need power, but only at start-up for the generation of the magnetic field it initially requires. After that, objects, including cars, will operate by moving on it without using any other type of thrust energy such as batteries or motors.     READ MORE...