Showing posts with label Law Enforcement Breaks Our Laws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Law Enforcement Breaks Our Laws. Show all posts

Friday, December 11

AMERICA: Not A Country Of Laws

America prides herself on being a country of laws but that is a BOLD FACE LIE and the farthest from the truth...

YES...  we have laws, but they do not apply equally to the wealthy, the middle class, or the poor and we know this to be true...  we just do not want to admit it.

White as well as Black Law Enforcement Officers know FOR A FACT that in Urban Areas, blacks perpetrate more blue collar crime than whites...

Black as well as White Law Enforcement Officers know FOR A FACT that in Urban Areas, whites perpetrate for white collar crime than blacks...

These are the facts...  just the facts...

Bill Cosby went to jail and was made an example and that is unfortunate...

OJ Simpson was declared innocent of murder and that was unfortunate as well...

Several WHITE COPS kill black potential criminals while in their custody and the whole BLACK COMMUNITY wants to RAM SLAVERY DOWN THE THROATS OF WHITEY because they are still opposing blacks...

If I am not mistaken, Barrack Obama was considered a BLACK MAN and he was PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES for 8 frigging years and did VERY LITTLE to help his own black race...   and, no cries of slavery were yelled from the streets at that time...  nor has the former President apologized to his own race of people for not doing more.

Where is the TRUTH,

Where are the LAWS...  by which we as Americans want to live by???

How many wealthy people are in jail in America and compare that to how many wealthy people who have committed similar crimes are incarcerated?

How many law enforcement personnel on their OFF TIME...  their PERSONAL TIME...  commit tiny but illegal offenses...  like smoking a little pot on the weekends in States where it is still illegal...  or, drive home DRUNK after they have been out at a bar with the GALS and GUYS?

We are a HYPOCRITICAL NATION and we are finally being called out by the rest of the world who thanks to us have taken our money and gone to school and used that education against us on the economic battlefields...  while America is still claiming that we are a NATION OF LAWS...