Showing posts with label Increased Taxes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Increased Taxes. Show all posts

Friday, May 1

Back to Work?

Our Federal Government has given so much money to the American Worker that on average, these American Workers can generate more income staying at home than they can generate going back to work...

The Democrats are standing up cheering!!!

Of course, I do not know this for sure, but I suspect that this is what they wanted all along...

HOWEVER, at some point-in-time, Americans will have to return all this money that has been borrowed and redistributed out to them...

What does that mean?


If the wealthy are forced to pay more taxes what do you think they will do?

  • Put more money into tax free accounts
  • Shelter more money in off shore, non taxable, accounts
  • Reduced money given to businesses and industries
  • move operations overseas
  • Lay off employees

People want to return to work...
Medical experts say this should not happen...
People claim that their civil rights are being violated...
I say let them do what they want to do and take their own chances...