Showing posts with label Imagine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imagine. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12

Can You Imagine?

President Trump built a strong economy by removing government regulations and requirements that were hanging around the necks of business and industry like a lead collar...   and, once they were removed, business and industry responded with great vigor and robustness...  and, we had the strongest economy in history and the lowest unemployment in history and the highest employment in history.

NOW, imagine all that disappearing...

Well...  unless you have not been paying attention, it has disappeared because of the Pandemic...  and, now we have unemployment levels that are near the same levels that were present during the GREAT DEPRESSION.


and, you can see the results of a dead economy and you can see the harm and pain that it is causing...

imagine this pain continuing because Trump loses the 2020 election and Joe Biden is our new President...

and, the Senate is controlled by the Democrats like the House is controlled by the Democrats...  what do you think will happen to our economy then?

Democrats cannot FORCE business and industry to hire workers!
Democrats cannot FORCE business and industry to expand their product lines!
Democrats cannot FORCE business and industry to expand their markets!
Democrats cannot FORCE business and industry to pay above minimum wage!
Democrats cannot FORCE the wealthy from sheltering their money from TAXES!

DEMOCRATS do no understand that workers do not build the economy as strong and as
comprehensive as business and industry builds the economy by reinvesting PROFITS.

DEMOCRATS do not understand that a majority of charitable contributions come from the WEALTHY not the POOR.

IMAGINE, the Democrats winning the 2020 election & taking control of the HOUSE/SENATE
1.  Our economy does not grow
2.  unemployment remains high
3.  a recession takes place
4.  inflation starts to rise
5.  shortages start to occur
6.  tax collection declines
7.  healthcare problems grow
8.  terrorism increases
9.  US troops sent overseas
10.  China/Russia begins aggressive moves
11.  North Korea becomes a nuclear power
12.  NATO relations decline
13. the value of the dollar declines
14.  global economies do not rebound
15.  new trade deals are negotiated