Showing posts with label How to Think. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to Think. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 3

How to Think

The new Republican govenor of Virginia said in his winning speech that he was going to change education in that he was going to teach students how to think...

Why is that important to me?

For the most part, my entire career of 45 years has revolved around education and for over 2 decades I taught students, including college students and employees of industry who were being sent by their employers to a training class...  and, employees knew how to think better than college students, in fact, college students did not even want to think at all...  at least in my classes.

My college students wanted me to tell them exactly what they needed to do, rather than trying to figure it out themselves...  MENTALLY LAZY...

What else has happened in education is the fact that college education has been watered-down so that everyone can pass the course...  making the course challenging for the ones that should be there and not challenging at all for the ones who should be there.  In other words, not everyone has the mental ability to be in college...