Showing posts with label House Oversight Committee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House Oversight Committee. Show all posts

Sunday, August 6

Russian UFO Engagements

Former Navy pilot Ryan Graves, ex-Navy commander David Fravor and former U.S. intelligence officer David Grusch testify before the House of Representatives subcommittee focused on UFOs while (left to right) George Knapp (red tie left of Grusch), Charles McCullough (light blue tie) and Jeremy Corbell sit behind them (House subcommittee on National Security, the Border and Foreign Affairs)

FIRST ON FOX - Russian warplanes engaged UFOs, "chased them and even shot at them" at least 45 times by 1993, according to classified Russian documents that investigative reporter George Knapp obtained and smuggled out of the country.

That's just one snippet of information revealed in letters written by Knapp and investigative journalist Jeremy Corbell to the House's Oversight Committee before Wednesday's UFO hearing.

Both letters, which were first obtained by Fox News Digital and published in their entirety below, were entered into the Congressional record.

"Since 1969, the position of our military has been that UFOs pose no threat to national security and are not worthy of further study," Knapp wrote in his letter. "This dismissive attitude is directly at odds with what was revealed in documents, reports and internal memos."

As the country's eyes and ears were glued to three explosive testimonies, Corbell whispered something to Charles McCullough as George Knapp listened in with a smirk.

McCullough, who was President Barack Obama's former Intelligence Community Inspector General, represented Grusch in his Intelligence Community Inspector General complaint purposefully seated behind him.

These three men sat directly behind David Grusch, who was flanked by Navy pilots Ryan Graves and David Fravor during Wednesday's Congressional hearing about UFOs.f

Grusch's testimony about recovered "biologics" of "non-humans" from alleged UFO crash sites made national - and even international - headlines, while details in Knapp's and Corbell's letters went under the radar.  READ MORE...