Showing posts with label Greedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greedy. Show all posts

Thursday, November 26

The World Around Us

I have seen more than my fair share of failures although I am sure that there are many others out there who have failed more than I have failed simply because they never gave up trying...  and, giving up trying happened often enough throughout my lifetime so far.  I suppose I could blame giving up on my parents but that would not be quite fair...  as one of their basic tenants when raising their children was instilling in them the need to never stop trying...  however, the problem with that is that, in my particular case, my parents wanted me to become what they wanted me to become and did not let me become what I wanted to become or thought at the time that I wanted to become, especially since it did not agree with their values.

My first attempt to become what I wanted to become came while I was being tutored on percussion instruments:  snare drum, base drum, cymbals, etc.  My tutor said I had a natural talent and offered me a job playing in a JAZZ BAND in Atlantic City, NJ one summer but my parents refused to let me go because I might get involved with drugs, alcohol, and sleazy women.

My second attempt to become what I wanted to become came shortly thereafter when I wanted to study classical and modern dance in the hopes of becoming a professional dancer.  This effort was immediately quashed because artists did not make much money and typically turned into drug addicts.

I immediately stopped my outward interest in the arts and turned inward and convinced myself that if I was going to resist becoming what my parents wanted me to be...  then I did not want them accusing me of becoming simply what I wanted to be...  so, I did not give them what they wanted nor did I give myself what I wanted...  leaping off into a completely different area altogether...

This was accomplished by allowing myself to flunk out of college, become employed as a messenger of documents that eventually lead to me enlisting in the Navy to avoid being drafted into the military since I had lost my college deferment and the Vietnam War was at its PEAK..  no one in our family had ever been an enlisted...  only officers...  this pretty much cut the cord between my parents and I.

My journey through life put me on a path of my own choosing and a path that was not always easy and left me in situations where I was able to EXPERIENCE THE UNDERBELLY OF THE WORLD AROUND US...  the dark side of life...  and, I don't necessary mean drugs and alcohol...  but the side of the worker who is forced to live paycheck to paycheck... never getting ahead no matter how hard or long they work.

These are the people that build the roads and bridges, the interstate highways and tunnels, the building and houses, and the factories that build our cars and appliances.  These people have simply accepted who they are and who or what they will never be...  outside of maybe a supervisor one day or a section leader.

Most of these people have strong Christian Values but don't try to force their beliefs on others and they keep their faith to themselves as any family problems that may arise from time-to-time.  They got to work sick because they cannot afford to take time off to go to the doctor.  They don't save their money because there is none left over to save.  They take their vacation by staying at home and working on projects around the house.  They have no need for budgets because they spend what they have on what they need and work overtime if there is ever a shortfall at the end of the month.

Most of us with COLLEGE DEGREES never see these people and when and if we do, we have no idea what they might be going through and if we did, probably would not care because they are not our problem...  being the self-centered creatures we are, greedy for more and always trying to figure out how to work less while generating more income...  THE GREAT AMERICAN WAY.

Maybe one day when you finally retire...  you will take the time to finally notice the world around you and not just see what you have missed, but understand that this is the world that you created and that you have allowed to perpetuate itself during your lifetime.