Showing posts with label Getting to the Top. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Getting to the Top. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25

Just a Few or Only ONE

LESSON ONE:  We are all animals...

Think about this
  1. How many Generals are there?
  2. How many Commanders and Chiefs?
  3. How many Bill Gates, Steven Jobs, or Warren Buffets?
  4. How many CEO's can there be for one company?
  5. How many millionaires or billionaires?
  6. How many geniuses or prodigies?
  7. How many Jesuses?
  8. How many managers and supervisors?
  9. How many ministers or priests for a church?
  10. How many Popes at one time?
  11. How many Kings or Queens?
  12. How many Vice Presidents, Mayors, or Governors?
  13. How many boat Captains?
AND YET...  there is the ASPIRATION within the hearts, minds, and souls of everyone of us who serve in a capacity of below the TOP, to want to one day...  finally get there...

While some leadership styles are not as obvious as the photo, the metaphor derived from the photo is absolutely correct in application...  and, in most cases all we have to do is increase one's salary or wages a little bit and we can get them to perform any dance that we want to including those they don't know or understand.