Showing posts with label Failure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Failure. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 9

Successful or not...

Why are some successful and others are not?

It is easy to be successful when one is born into money or when one has the support of someone with money...  but, when money is not the foundation of it all...  why does one person succeed and another person does not?

Education can be a deciding factor...
Experience can be a deciding factor as well...  but, what if neither of those opportunities are available...  meaning, one must start from scratch...

There are some characteristics that successful people share, such as:
  1. determination
  2. never giving up
  3. self-confidence
  4. willing to put family second
  5. willing to work long hours
  6. affirmations of positive thinking
  7. Having a plan and executing it
  8. goal setting
  9. don't accept defeat
  10. long term thinking
Sometimes these characteristics are learned and acquired but more often than not, they are already inside the successful person and they just simply emerge as the situation dictates.  Some will work 15-18 hours a day and not be satisfied while other are only willing to work 10-12 hours so that they can make time for family.