Showing posts with label F-22 Raptor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label F-22 Raptor. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 5

China Can Shoot Down F-22 Raptor

Chinese scientists have made a startling claim about its hypersonic weapons program after a series of tests it carried out last year. In what could be termed as a modern-day arms race, China has moved with unprecedented speed to acquire and upgrade its hypersonic capabilities.

Chinese scientists have claimed that they have produced next-generation hypersonic weapons with infrared homing advancements that the US military may not have until 2025.

According to the researchers, heat-seeking capabilities allow Chinese hypersonic missiles to home in on practically any target with remarkable accuracy and speed, including stealth aircraft, ships, and even moving vehicles on the street.

This could cause widespread concern in the United States when viewed alongside the claims made by a Chinese military expert.

According to South China Morning Post, a Chinese military expert had earlier said that “a ground-to-air hypersonic missile could catch up and destroy an F-22 (Raptor) in seconds if it fired a missile or dropped a bomb from short range”.

Additionally, according to the US Air Force, heat-seeking missiles have shot down around 90% of all aircraft lost during the 1980s, and stealth fighters like the F-22 could be potential targets since their coating materials heat up easily in flight.

The F-22 Raptor is not only a lethal American fighter but also an important part of the Global Strike Task Force which is responsible for fielding combat-ready forces for nuclear deterrence and global strike operations.

The susceptibility of this aircraft to be tracked and shot by heat-seeking missiles makes the Chinese claim about its hypersonic missiles all the more significant and could send shock waves in the United States.

A hypersonic missile’s ability to search for, identify, and lock on to a target based on its heat signature when flying at low altitudes where the air is thicker could revolutionize conventional warfare, according to Chinese researchers from the National University of Defence Technology’s hypersonic infrared homing program.  READ MORE...