Showing posts with label Economically and Militarily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economically and Militarily. Show all posts

Monday, December 7


The year is 2030 and I am 83 years old... and the odds are against me living until the year 2040...  however anything is possible...

The Trust Fund that was left to me by my parents will be exhausted and I will be living totally on Social Security and whatever money I have managed to save.

  • Economically
  • Militarily
That role will now fall to China...  and, this will happen because of all the EMERGING COUNTRIES located in the geographical area...  and, think of it this way...  all those cheap prices you paid for all those things you wanted...  were made in all those countries that because of you are now emerging and taking the spotlight away from Americans and shinning it on Asians...  or, Orientals...

  • America's NATIONAL DEBT will be extremely high
  • There will not be enough jobs for all the college graduates
  • Our military budgets will have been slashed several ways
  • Monies will be diverted into all sorts of social programs
  • America's good fortune will have been throw out with the bath water

Global Warming...  Climate Change...  whatever you want to call it, will have devastating impacts on the entire world and not because the USA did not do their part...  but because the rest of the world decided not to participate and it takes everyone...  not just a few...

America's WEALTHY will have become MORE WEALTHY than every before and not because of repeat business from Americans but because of all the GLOBAL MARKETS that came into existence because of all these emerging countries who became wealthy because Americans wanted CHEAP PRICES.


2030 is only 10 years away...
think how fast 8 years of Obama passed and
the 4 years of Trump passed even faster...

ALSO remember Forrest Gump's Mother who said:  STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES...   and, see how much of that wisdom pertains to you and me...  and, all the rest of us who expect different results by doing the same thing over and over.

IN 2030, you will be able to compare the USA with the ROMAN EMPIRE...