Showing posts with label Domino Effect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Domino Effect. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22

Biden's War on Gas and Oil

From halting pipeline construction to curtailing America’s domestic energy production on public lands; from begging Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil while shoveling billions of taxpayer dollars to expensive, intermittent “green” energy — the Biden administration’s disastrous energy policy decisions have underscored their commitment to the war on America’s oil and gas industry.

But the oil and gas industry, and the millions of American men and women who work in it, is about far more than just fueling automobiles and keeping the lights on. Many products that we take for granted and use daily are made from petrochemical raw materials such as ethylene and propylene which are derived from oil and natural gas. 

From medical devices and other health products to clothing and food packaging to cell phones, car parts, electronics, and everything in between, the standard of life we have become accustomed to simply would not exist without plastic products made from oil and gas derivatives.

The American people are no strangers to the effects of the Biden administration’s radical agenda. Inflation is hitting the people I represent in Eastern Ohio hard. They are struggling to fill up their tanks, buy personal care products, clothe their children, and even afford food.  READ MORE...