Showing posts with label Declining America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Declining America. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 30

AMERICA... is no longer a great country

America is moving towards Socialism and away from Capitalism that is currently being used to finance a socialistic agenda.

America is ranked 15th in the world in public education K-12.

America is racist, full of white supremacists, and white Americans have been living on white privilege since 1776.

America's Constitution does not reflect minority values...  only white privilege values.

America is controlled by whites with money where 10% of the population has 80% of the wealth.

America leads the world in the purchase of illegal drugs.

America's military is smaller than China's military:  Army, Navy, Air Force

America's National Debt is increasing and China owns ONE THIRD of that debt.

America's colleges and universities are DUMBING DOWN knowledge so that less qualified students can pass courses.

America's democratic form of government is being rejected by most of the other global countries.

America's military is forcing themselves on people in the Middle East who don't want them there.