Showing posts with label Country Living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Country Living. Show all posts

Sunday, July 17

Country Living

Many people associate country living with the SOUTHEASTERN US...  but that is as misleading as President Biden announcing that our economy is healthy and growing...

Country living is life in an area...  any area of the US...  that is not considered in the city...  in other words, country living can take place in any state...  and, it is also safe to say, that those folks living in the country will always be different than those folks living in the city...


  • Less congestion
  • Less traffic
  • Less crime & violence
  • Less polution
  • Less waiting time
  • Less stress and anxiety
  • More friendly
  • Help each other
It is the people living in the city who are a pain in the ass to live around and who would just as shoot you as they would smile at you...

Country living folks can walk around their communities just about anytime of the day or night that they want to.
Country living folks can have vege gardens in their back yards if they want to.
Country living folks can have pools in their back yards if they want to.
Country living folks can cook food on a grill in their back yards anytime they want to.
Country living folks can play outside in their yards with their children anytime they want to.
Country living folks can ask their neighbors for help without concern they will be charged a fee or robbed.

During my 74 years of life, except for the first 2-3 years, I have always lived outside of the city and have never once wanted to move into the city because I thought it might be a better place to live.  I have always had an acre of land or more on which I could do anything I damn well pleased.  I always shared my vegetable garden with my neighbors.

Maintaining the outside yard as one gets older becomes a tad more difficult but it gets you outside and being outside is better than staying inside...

Country living is not living off the grid...